🟡 4.1 CoCoME system
CoCoME: Common Component Main Example
🟡 4.2 Views and templates
✅ 4.2.1 "4+1 model"
- Context view: design the system as a black box
- Building block view: functional and technical SW building block and their relationship
- Runtime view: main sequence between the building blocks
- Deployment view(= infrastructure view): mapping of the software to the physical technical infrastructure
- Data view: detailed description of the database structures of a software system
- "Big Picture": high-level system architecture for communication with management
- Mask(or sequence) view: website screen sequence diagram
✅ 4.2.2 UML structure diagram and UML behavior diagram
🔸 UML structure diagram
1) UML Class diagram: 클래스의 정적인 구조 및 클래스들 사이의 관계를 표현한 다이어그램 / "시스템의 구조 및 관계"
2) UML Component diagram: building block의 큰 그림을 보여주고, 컴포넌트를 사용하는 다이어그램 / "시스템의 overview"
🔸 UML behavior diagram
1) UML Activity diagram: 시스템 구성 요소들의 흐름을 보여주는 다이어그램 / "시스템 구성요소의 효능"
2) UML Sequence diagram: 시스템 구성 요소들 간의 상호작용을 보여주는 다이어그램 / "상호작용"
✅ 4.2.3 High level structure
🔸 Template-type view description
1) Brief description: 'what is involved in this specific case'
2) Diagrams: graphical representation
3) Element catalog: property, relationship, interface, behavior of elements
4) Variability: changeability and flexibility
5) Background information: justification and reference and design decision
✅ 4.2.4 "4 types" of Views
🔸 Context view
: Environment of a system and the relationships and connections with this environment
/ All relevant aspects of the interfaces be specified in the context view
모든 View의 근본이 되는 view, 소프트웨어 시스템이 black box 상태로 다른 것들과 상호작용 할 수 있도록 해줌
"Interfaces to adjacent systems"
- Functional: UML component diagram / UML composite structure diagram / "black box at the center"
- static: architecture, design, development
- dynamic: test & operation
- Technical: UML component diagram(using UML node) / UML package symbol / Non-UML network symbol(e.g. Visio) / "boxes and arrows"---> physical channel between system and its environment / functional context에 비해 추가적인 element를 가짐
🔸 Building block view
: show static structure of a software system & relationship between building blocks
🔸 Runtime view
: interactions between elements of the software system at runtime
"Focus on important elements of the system and examples"
- UML Activity, Communication, Sequence diagram
- Traditional flow diagram
- (pseudo) code
- Informal verbal sequence description
- BPMN(Business Process Model and Notation)
- UML Sequence diagram
- UML Communication diagram
🔸 Deployment/Infrastructure view
: Mapping of the software system to 'reality'
building block view의 요소들이 배치됨 / real software operating environment
✅ 4.2.5 Interdependencies & Hierachical refinement of architecture views
🔸 Interdependency
- Design decisions become more comprehensible
- Impact of changes becomes easily recognizable
- Dependency between system components are easier to understand
🔸 Hierachical refinement
- Black box description
- White box description
🟡 4.3 Technical/Cross-cutting concepts
✅ 4.3.1 Technical/cross-cutting concepts: sample dimensions
✅ 4.3.2 Error handling
"how foreseeable errors can be handled during the operation of the system"
- Identification of error cases
- Definition of appropriate reactions to errors
- Minimizing the impact of errors
- Making diagnosis of error causes easier: 기록 남기기
- Error provention
- Definition of the technologies for error handling
✅ 4.3.3 Security
🔸 6 types of security issues
- Authentication(인증): determination of the sender's identity
- Authorization(허가): granting of user rights
- Integrity(무결성): recognition of manipulation of protected data
- Confidentiality(기밀성): not accessed by unauthorized parties
- Non-repudiation(거절 불가): received messages cannot be denied by the sender
- Availability: 예기치 않거나 고의로 발생한 시스템 오작동에 대응하기 위한 조치
🟡 4.4 Architecture and implementation
Design -> Build -> Run
[Communicate aspects of software architecture]
- Verbal communication should supplement written documentation
- Feedback to architecture decision can be done both in writing and talking
- There are no general rule and order between verbal and written (둘 중 순서 상관 없음 & 둘 다 사용해도 됨)
🟡 4.5 Document types for Software architecture
✅ 4.5.1 Central architecture description
core document for a software architecture / contains all information
<포함 되어야 할 내용>
1. The architecture's task, objectives(vision), quality requirements and stakeholders: quality requirements help significantly with architecture decisions
2. Technical and organizational conditions and constraints
3. View, decisions, and patterns used
4. Technical concepts
5. Quality evaluations
6. Identified risks
---> Architecture decisions record helps to make the decision's context understood & it can be changed
ex) Documents, CASE/MDA/UML tools, HTML pages or wikis
✅ 4.5.2 Architecture overview
brief, easy-to-read summary of the central architecture description
"no longer than 30 pages"
✅ 4.5.3 Document overview
directory / index of all architecture-relevant documents and dependencies
"show the role in the project"
✅ 4.5.4 Overview presentation
summarize the central statements and the business benefit in 10 min
"presents the architecture"
✅ 4.5.5 Architecture wallpaper
complete overview of a large number of architecture aspects
"poster-sized prints"
✅ 4.5.6 Documentation handbook
structure and function of the complete project documentation
✅ 4.5.7 Technical Information
important information for project developers and testers
"development methods, programming guidelines, building and testing of the system"
✅ 4.5.8 Documentation of external interfaces
interaction of the overall system with its content
"external interfaces become time-consuming problem area"
✅ 4.5.9 Template
interface descriptions
🟡 4.6 Best-practice rules for documentation
🔸 8 Rules
- Write from the readers' perspective: 읽기 쉽게
- Avoid unnecessary repetition: 불필요한 반복 X
- Avoid ambiguity: 명확하게 - use formal description language
- Standardized organizational structure or templates: 특정 template에 맞춰서
- Justify important decisions in writing: design decision
- Explict, not implicit
- make the assumption leading to decision explicit
- make prerequisites for their decisions explicit
- Explict, not implicit
- Check the documentation's suitability for use: 적합성 체크 - review process
- Uncluttered diagrams: avoid excessively large diagram - architecture wallpaper는 예외
- Regular updates: 주기적인 유지보수 필요
*** Architecture documentation의 주요 목적 ***
1) To support onboarding of new developers
2) To support the work of distributed teams
3) To assist in future enhacements of the projuct
4) To conform to regulatory or legal constraints (*conform: 집단의 다른 구성원들과 행동[생각]을 같이 하다)
🟡 4.7 Alternative architecture framework
✅ 4.7.1 The 4+1 framework
- Logical view: consider the software system from a functional perspective (e.g. top-level class diagram)
- Development view: address the system from the development perspective (e.g. UML component diagram)
- Process view: runtime view
- Physical view: address mapping of the software system to specific technical system (e.g. deployment or infrastructure view)
✅ 4.7.2 RM-ODP
- Enterpise viewpoint: 사용 범위, 운용 목적, rule
- Information viewpoint: data processing 정의 (data model)
- Computational viewpoint: 기능적 요소 및 인터페이스의 형식을 decomposition
- Engineering viewpoint: 매커니즘 & function (interaction of system)
- Technology viewpoint
✅ 4.7.3 SAGA
SAGA(Standards and Architectures for e-Government Applications)
include recommendations for software architectures & orient to RM-ODP
include data and process modeling and technical requirements standards and technology
Mahbouba Gharbi & Arne Koschel & Andreas Rausch - Software Architecture FundamentalsA Study Guide for the Certified Professional for Software Architecture
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